Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Isles of the Sea

Last week we spent five days interviewing almost all the missionaries. By this I mean that Steven met with each one for about 15 minutes while I chatted with those waiting for their interviews. It was a grueling few days schedule wise, plus I was sick for part of it, but it was great to get to know the Missionaries on a more personal level. It is amazing how quickly you can learn to love them!

Sunday we spoke in two wards...we'll, actually just bore our testimonies...and went to a missionary choir concert. Left home at 9am and got home at 9pm. Luckily we found a cooler at the mission home to take food along.😀

This week we are visiting some of the isles in our mission. We've learned that when you say "Tahiti" here it is just the island of Tahiti. When you say "isles" it means the leeward islands in the Society Islands such as Raiatea, Huahine, Bora Bora, along with the Tuamotus and Marquises islands. So, yes, I am typing this as we sit in the hotel lobby in Bora Bora. But our experience is not like a tourists'. We see the actual life of these islands...some of the homes and churches and all. Which is both good and bad. Real life is never a vacation. This country has a lot of poverty and struggles...unemployment, etc. Very humble homes with equally humble people.

The missionaries out on these islands are amazing. There are only four to six of them per island. They really get to know the people...and love them! They are far from the mission home and office and are on their own a lot. They really need to rely on the Lord and each other. I am very impressed  with them and their courage.

I didn't serve a mission when I was younger so this is my first time. I don't know how these young ones do it with such grace and such a positive attitude over all. There are times they all get down, depressed and stressed, but for the most part they are working hard and learning to love it. I will never look at missionaries in the same way again.

We went with one set of sister missionaries on the isles of Huahine to teach a lesson to a couple of new converts. We drove up a mountain side to get there. There were goats and pigs, along with the ever present chickens and roosters, all in a tropical jungle. We asked these sisters how they found these brothers and they said it is the members who referred them. In fact, they said that they never go door to door tracting because the members are always referring people and usually these referrals have been taught several times by the members and know a lot about the church before the missioaries meet them.These members are doing the work of the missionaries! It's awesome!

Even though we are serving in "paradise" it can be tough out on a mission. At times I get homesick and just want to go back to the life I know. I know the Missionaries here feel the same way at times, but they are working hard and doing well. I am sure they are exhausted, as am I still. But it is wonderful to be involved in the work of the Lord and helping these missionaries teach others about His plan of happiness for us.

We love you all! to come...

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